Sunday, January 30, 2011

We Love Day Hikes And Yummy Food

Geary and I decided that we would enjoy the fabulous warm weather by taking the pup for a hike. We went just up the road to High Falls so that we could see the beautiful scenery. We had a blast and just in case your curious Luke did too.  I thought I would share a few photos from our quick trip up to High Falls. 

I am telling you he is the cutest dog

Hey there good lookin

Luke decided he was hot so he would just go for a little swim


No trip is complete without a couples photo

After all that walking G and I worked up quite the appetite. So we decided to go for the full experience of High Falls and eat at their local catfish house. Now many of you may not know this but I am a catfish connoisseur. I must give the credit for this to my grandparents who took me to eat catfish almost every other friday night when I was just a little one. I say all of this to say that Falls View Restaurant rocks when it comes to catfish. I knew it was going to be good when before bringing out the catfish and hushpuppies they brought us cole slaw, pickles, and onions. If you know anything about catfish then you know these three things are a must whether you like them or not .These three items just set the tone and let you know this restaurant is serious about their catfish.  I also was quite amazed by their homemade coleslaw. It pretty much rocked considering I normally hate coleslaw. 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Being Intentional

I have currently been reading a book by Heidi Baker called Compelled By Love. This was one of my lovely stocking stuffers (boy do I love stockings).
 G got this for me because...
1. Its about a missionary in Mozambique Africa and if you really know me then you know that I L-O-V-E Mozambique  and 2. These missionaries go into the streets of Africa and take in all the children who were left to die, who were selling their bodies just to eat, who were  unwanted and casted out by society. They brought these children into there home and shared the love of Christ with them. ( This is also a passion of mine taking in the unwanted and showing them the love of Christ).. Sooo Geary thought this is perfect!!!

Well I am loving the book and not just because of those two reasons but also because its challenging my love walk. The stories in combination with the Word are so powerful!! The stories that are shared  demonstrate the love and grace of Jesus my Savior. These children now walk in the love of Christ because two people were willing to fulfill the calling that God had on there life regardless of how dangerous and difficult it seemed. Quite often I get so caught up in the routine of my life that I forget to be intentional in sharing the love of Christ with others through my words and my actions. This book has challenged/reminded me to be intentional.

Also these children who were once angry, and thought of as being beyond help are now going out and sharing the love of Christ with others. Their broken hearts were healed by the love of God.  I mean these kids don't just play church but they live it day in and day out. They pray for the sick and see them recover, they pray for food and see food that was only enough to serve 50 serve 500. You see this is the God that I serve the God of miracles signs and wonders. I love Him and through this book I have been challenged to go deeper in my relationship with Christ and to quit playing Church.
Love the book!!!!

 In light of this I thought I would share just a few photos from my trip to Mozambique
Playing kickball with the kiddos in a rural village in Mozambique (see the one leaning against the church... he was soo sweet and I fell in love with him)

Now we are playing catch

Posing for a quick pic while we drive to the next village

The amazing team!!! They rocked!! Apparently we were a little confused about whether this was a silly photo or a serious one.  Oh wait this it the team minus two other guys 

We had a several mile hike to a rural village where we were going to share the gospel so I entertained myself and others by trying to balance a water bottle on my head. I was inspired by the women who carried baskets and all sorts of things on their head. I decided to start small.

I am eating a papaya that I whacked down from a tree with a stick. I had help from the cute little kids in the village.

They were amazed by the camera. These sweet little things had never seen a camera before.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thankful Thursdays Top 10 (#1)-

Thanks Candra for this wonderful idea of  celebrating every week what we are thankful for!!!

1. Hummus -  I have had it everyday for lunch and its soo good

2. A gas fire place- Its so nice to come into a freezing house and be able to warm it up with a cozy fire

3. That God is faithful!! He never lets us down and if He promises something in His word then He is faithful to do it. He never goes back on His Word. I have been resting on this truth lately and it has really been encouraging.

4. My pearl necklace that I got for Christmas from G- I have always wanted a real pearl necklace. In fact one of my favorite scriptures is about pearls (Matthew 13:45-46). So I finally got them woohoo

5. An organized pantry- That thing was a mess as of last week. I could hardly find anything  in it but now its B- E- A-utiful.

6. The youth at our church- They are amazing!!! I love watching them grow in the things of God

7. The electric blanket thats on our bed- I love crawling into a nice warm bed

8. Blogging- I tried it once and hated it but now I love it. It is so much fun to share my life with others

9. That G is off this weekend- I love it when I get to have a whole weekend with my husband. Who know's what we are going to get into ;)

10. That I only have to cook once this week due to free dinners- normally I love to cook but I am kinda bored with my recipes so this gives me time to come up with some fresh ideas.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Funny Moments In The Bush's

So last night I was just about to fall asleep but G had been asleep for a good 2 hours. When all of a sudden out of nowhere he slapped my booty. I immediately was jolted out of the la la land of being almost asleep. I turned over and stared at him . So here is how the conversation went from this moment
M: Why did you do that? ( kinda in a soft tone)
G: No response
M: WHY DID YOU DO THAT ( not so much of a soft tone anymore)
G: Tis the season (and he just rolled over)
M: Bahahaha

So funny what people do and say while they are asleep!1

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Its A New Season

I look at January not just as the start to a new year but the start of a new season!!! A season of growth, change, expectation and much much more. I truly believe that 2011 is going to rock.
My Vision List For 2011
1. I want this new year to be a year of purpose and by this I mean I want to be purposeful in how I spend my time, my money,... I know this is something that God has been dealing with me on.
2. A year of growth- My personal walk with my Savior, my marriage, our finances, Fuel, Gravity, and our family
3. Read/Finish more books that help my spiritual growth. In the past I have been really good at starting a book but not so good at actually finishing it. HaHa
4. Get organized!! I want to be organized because I am positive this will take alot of stress and wasted time out of my life.
5. More manifestation of the abundant life
6. Do more fixer uppers and sewing projects
7. Learn how to use my new camera
8. Be a bigger blessing
9. Make the dang curtains I have been talking about for a year now